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Engineering Tips

05 JUL 2023



Modular Integrated Construction (MIC) and Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) are innovative building methods that have been gaining popularity in recent years. These methods involve the prefabrication of building components off-site and their subsequent assembly on-site.

01 JUL 2022


Preparation work of Permit

All excavation work / road works cause inconvenience and are a potential hazard to the safety of road users, including those employed in carrying out the works. It is the duty of those responsible for road works to ensure that these effects are mitigated or reduced to a minimum.

23 JUN 2022


Excavation (Non-Utilities)

According to the Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance in Hong Kong, to carry out any excavation works in Hong Kong must apply to the Highways Department for an excavation permit? If it is not an excavation project, is it necessary to apply to those government departments for enclosing the road?

16 JUN 2022


Submitting an application
for excavation permit (XPMS)

Before excavation works are carried out on public roads, an application for an excavation permit must be obtained from the Highways Department.

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